Pixel 7a is set to launch in India on May 11, Google announced on Tuesday. The smartphone, expected to succeed the Pixel 6a, has been making headlines recently with several reports and leaks suggesting specifications, features, and other details like colour options and price of the handset. Recent leaks suggested that the phone could launch in new colour options than its predecessor. The announcement of the India launch date of the event backs previous reports that suggest that the company will unveil the Pixel 7a smartphone on May 10 at the Google I/O event.
Google India announced the news on Twitter and added that the Pixel 7a will be available for purchase in India through Flipkart after its May 11 launch. The promotional image that the tech giant shared showed a glimpse of the handset. The model is seen in a light blue shade, which reinstates the suggestion made in a recent report that the Pixel 7a may launch in an Arctic Blue colour, that is reminiscent of the Barely Blue colour variant that the Pixel 4a offered.
The report also showed the Pixel 7a in a Charcoal Black colourway. Another leak had previously suggested that the phone is expected to be released in an orange shade, which could be similar to the Kinda Coral colour option that the Pixel 6 smartphone offered.
Google’s Pixel 7a is expected to be powered by a Tensor G2 SoC, paired with 8GB of LPDDR5 RAM and 128GB of UFS 3.1 inbuilt storage. It is said to feature a 6.1-inch full-HD+ OLED display with a refresh rate of 90Hz.
The upcoming Google Pixel phone is tipped to have a dual rear camera unit including a 64-megapixel primary sensor with optical image stabilisation (OIS) support and a 12-megapixel sensor with an ultra-wide lens. A 10.8-megapixel front camera sensor is said to handle selfies and video calls.
It is expected to be backed by a 4,400mAh battery with 20W wired charging support claimed to offer up to 72 hours of backup and will also likely support wireless charging. The Pixel 7a could be priced between $450 and $500 (roughly between Rs. 32,000 to Rs. 40,000).
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